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UFV signs Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese University

27 de November de 2024

The Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Henan Agricultural University (HAU) from China. The document, which outlines collaborations between the institutions, was signed in person by UFV’s president, Demetrius David da Silva (pictured above, right), and the Chair of HAU’s  Affairs Committee, Li Chegwei (pictured left). The meeting took place last Tuesday (19th) at UFV’s main administrative office. In addition to Professor Li Chegwei, four other representatives from Henan Agricultural University visited UFV’s Viçosa campus: Tang Jihua, Academic Vice-President; Jia Lei, Dean of the College of Agronomy; and Yuan Zhiliang, a professor in the College of Life Sciences; Liu Yang, from the Office of international Exchanges and Cooperation. The visitors were also welcomed by UFV’s Director of International Affairs, Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio, and the University’s Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes.

The objectives of the memorandum of understanding include exchanges of professors, staff, and students for training and development, as well as joint activities in teaching, research, and consultancy. According to Professor Vladimir, HAU specializes in agricultural studies and reached out to UFV in 2023 to establish relevant collaborations in this field. The opportunities fostered by this partnership will, therefore, focus primarily on agriculture and related activities.

Professor Demetrius emphasized that UFV’s relationship with China is extensive. In addition to Henan Agricultural University, UFV currently has memorandums of understanding with nine other Chinese institutions. “We have high expectations for the outcomes of this collaboration,” he stated.After signing the document, the Chinese delegation toured parts of UFV’s Viçosa campus. Professor Vladimir showcased the most emblematic buildings and shared some of the University’s history. The discussions continued into the evening during a dinner held for the visitors. Professor Li Chegwei highlighted that HAU is interested in mobility programs and there is a possibility for establishing a Confucius Institute at UFV. In addition to Vladimir, the dinner was attended by Francisco Murilo Zerbini Júnior, advisor to the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies; Mario Luiz Chizzotti, Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences; and Aziz Galvão da Silva Júnior, a professor in the Department of Rural Economics.