UFV Courses in English 2024-2

In 2024, UFV will offer courses in English in person and online. Classes for the second semester of 2024 take place between August 5 and December 13, 2024. The subjects offered are listed below.

Online courses (see the Call here)

BQI 602 – Biosafety

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Cláudio Lísias Mafra de Siqueira.

Time: Friday, from 8 am to 12 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Comparative analysis of data generated by omics techniques and systems biology.
  2. Programming in R.
  3. Large-scale sequence analysis.
  4. Unsupervised clustering techniques applied to omics.
  5. Comparative analysis of data generated by omics techniques and systems biology.
  6. Supervised classification techniques applied to omics.
  7. Molecular biological networks.
  8. Systems Biology.
  9. Metagenomic analysis.
CIV 643 – Aquatic ecotoxiology

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Ann Mounteer.

Time: Thursday, from 9 am to 12 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Introduction to aquatic ecotoxicology, applications, and legislation.
  2. Classes of organic and inorganic aquatic pollutants.
  3. Dynamics of pollutants in aquatic environments via abiotic and biotic processes.
  4. Bioavailability, biotransformation, and bioaccumulation of aquatic pollutants.
  5. Biochemical, physiological, histological responses at the organism, and population and community levels.
  6. Laboratory assessment of acute and chronic toxicity and quantification of responses.
  7. Toxicity identification/reduction evaluations.
  8. Assessment in the field – model ecosystems, bioindicators, and biomarkers.
  9. Ecological risk assessment.
ENG 688 – Anaerobic Digestion of Wastes

Format: Online.

Lecturer: André Pereira Rosa.

Time: Tuesday, from 14:00 pm to 16:20 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Fundamentals of anaerobic digestion.
  2. Biomass in anaerobic systems.
  3. Anaerobic technologies for liquid effluents and solid waste treatment.
  4. Byproducts of anaerobic digestion and resource utilization.
FIP 602 – Plant Disease Epidemiology

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Emerson M. Del Ponte.

Time: To be defined.

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. History and concepts in Botanical Epidemiology
  2. Plant disease assessment and quantification
  3. Temporal dynamics and analysis of epidemics
  4. Pathogen dispersal, disease gradients and patterns
  5. Yield loss assessment
  6. Risk assessment and disease forecasting
FIT 664 – Homeopathy in Agriculture

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Vicente Wagner Dias Casali.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Historic.
  2. Fundamentals and Applications.
  3. Homeopatic Pharmacopoeia.
  4. Agroecosystems and Homeopathy.
  5. Technological Clinic.
  6. Repertorization.
  7. Crop Management.
  8. Isopathic Solutions.
  9. Experimental Results.
FIT 666 – Epigenetics and plants

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Vicente Wagner Dias Casali.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. History and Fundamentals.
  2. DNA methylation.
  3. Epigenetic Determinations.
  4. Histone Variants.
  5. Epigenetic Systems of Inheritance.
  6. Epigenetic Markers.
  7. Variability and Epigenetics.
  8. Epigenetic Regulation in Plants.
FIT 677 – Breeding of medicinal and aromatical plants

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Vicente Wagner Dias Casali.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Priorities in Breeding Programs.
  2. Theoretical References.
  3. Pharmaco- Active Natural Products.
  4. Genetic Resources.
  5. Breeding Methods.
  6. Inheritance Studies.
  7. Experimental Techniques.
  8. Experiences in Breeding Programs.
TAL 706 – Food Carbohydrates and Bioactive Compounds

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Frederico Barros.

Time: Thursday, from 10 am to 12 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 2.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Monosaccharides.
  2. Carbohydrate reactions.
  3. Starch.
  4. Carbohydrate nutrition and dietary fiber.
  5. Bioactive compounds.
  6. The protective effect of foods containing bioactive compounds on chronic noncommunicable diseases.
LET 604 – Portuguese for Foreigners

Format: Online and In-person.

Lecturer: Idalena Chaves.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Listening comprehension and analysis of oral texts, in Portuguese.
  2. Production of oral texts.
  3. Analysis of academic written texts.
  4. Reading and interpretation of written texts.
  5. Writing texts related to several academic genres (abstracts, conference presentations, bibliographical essays, journal articles, conference proceedings, etc.)
  6. Vocabulary and grammar.
  7. Preparation for the Portuguese language proficiency exam for foreigners (Celpe-bras).
SOL 627 – Soil classification systems

Format: Online.

Lecturer: José João Lelis Leal de Souza.

Time: To be defined.

UFV Credits: 5.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Soil description according to Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for soil resources
  2. World Reference Base for soil resources
  3. Soil Taxonomy
SOL 655 – Environmental Geochemistry

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Isabela Cristina Filardi Vasques.

Time: Tuesday, from 8am to 10am and Wednesday from 10am to 1pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 5.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Atomic nucleus and chemical elements origin.
  2. Geochemical abundance of chemical elements.
  3. Thermodynamics principles applied to natural systems.
  4. Litogeochemistry.
  5. Surface geochemistry.
  6. Chemical equilibria and interaction of the main heavy metals in soil.
  7. Main global biogeochemical cycles.
  8. Eutrophication and water and soil contamination.
  9. Heavy metals as pollutants and nutrients.
VET 751 – Molecular biology and epidemiology applied to food production chain and veterinary sciences

Format: Online.

Lecturer: Ricardo Seiti Yamatogi.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 5.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Food safety and food security.
  2. Molecular techniques applied to the detection and quantification of foodborne pathogens.
  3. Molecular techniques to track foodborne pathogens.
  4. Data analysis of sequences.
  5. Trends and perspectives to investigate foodborne pathogens.

In-person courses

BAN 604 – Systematic review knowledge and updates

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Reggiani Vilela Gonçalves.

Time: Wednesday, from 2 pm to 6 pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Evidence-Based Practice.
  2. Objectives of a Systematic Review.
  3. Difference between Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
  4. Step by step of a systematic review.
  5. PICO strategy.
  6. Prisma Guide.
  7. PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science research.
  8. Screening, and eligibility of the articles.
  9. Extraction of data and Methodological bias analysis.
  10. PROSPERO Number.
  11. How to write the introduction of a systematic review?
  12. How to write the Discussion of a systematic review?
CIV 665 – Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials

Format: In-person

Time: Wednesday, from 8am to 12am (GMT-3)

UFV credits: 4

ECTS: 7,5

Lecture: José Maria Franco de Carvalho


  1. Introduction
  2. Toxicity of the Building Materials
  3. Energy
  4. Life-Cyle Assessment of Construction and Building Materials
  5. Performance Assessment of Construction and Building Materials
  6. State-of-the-Art on the Strategies for Obtaining More Sustainable Construction and Building Materials
  7. State-of-the-Art on the Utilization of Waste in Construction and Building Materials
ENT 669 – Insecticide (Eco)Toxiology

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Raul Narciso Carvalho Guedes.

Time: Monday and Thursday, from 9 am to 10 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. General Toxicology.
  2. Insecticides in the Environment.
  3. nsecticides within the Individual.
  4. Population Effects.
  5. Community Effects.
  6. Measurement and Interpretations of Ecological Effects.
  7. Ecological Risk Assessment.
ENT 760 – Insect Behaviour

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Simon Luke Elliot.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 3.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Introduction to Insect Behaviour.
  2. Insects, Animals or Organisms?
  3. Evolution.
  4. Proximal and Distal Explanations.
  5. Hypotheses and Assumptions.
  6. Experimentation.
  7. Control of Behaviour;
  8. Organization of behaviours.
  9. Foraging and Optimization.
  10. Learning; Victim-Enemy Behaviour.
  11. Nutritional Ecology.
  12. Senory Organs and Nervous System.
  13. Communication and signals.
  14. Accoustic communication.
  15. Semiochemicals.
  16. Reproduction.
  17. Dispersal.
  18. Haemotophagy in Insects.
  19. Life in Groups.
ESM 490 – Supervised Internship

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Any UFV professor.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 4 to 12.

ECTS: 5 to 15.

Contents: Offers the opportunity for students to engage in a research internship or scientific project under the guidance of a UFV researcher. The number of credits awarded will be determined based on the total hours devoted to the internship or project.

FIP 300 – Plant Pathology I

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Eduardo S. G. Mizubuti.

Time: Monday, from 2 pm to 4 pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 5.


  1. Concepts, importance, and symptomatology of plant diseases.
  2. Etiology.
  3. Non-infectious diseases.
  4. Mycology, plant pathogenic fungi, and fungal diseases.
  5. Epidemiology.
  6. General principles and management practices for plant disease control.
  7. Fungicides.
FIT 680 – Floriculture

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: José Antonio Saraiva Grossi.

Time: Friday, from 2 pm to 6 pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Importance of Floriculture.
  2. Flower Market.
  3. Ornamental Plant Propagation.
  4. Flowering Control.
  5. Plant Growth Regulation.
  6. Postharvest.
  7. Ornamental Crop Production: Rose, Chrysanthemum, Bulbous Ornamental Plants.
INF 100 – Introduction to Programming

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Algorithmic language elements (language Python).
  2. Basic programming language commands.
  3. Simple arrays.
  4. Subprograms.
INF 630 – Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: André Gustavo dos Santos.

Time: Monday, from 4 pm to 6 pm, and Tuesday, from 2 pm to 4 pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Main algorithm design paradigms.
  2. Mathematical principles for algorithm analysis.
  3. Complexity analysis.
  4. NP-Completeness.
  5. Lower bounds.
  6. Approximation algorithms.
LET 604 – Portuguese for Foreigners

Format: Online and In-person.

Lecturer: Idalena Chaves.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Listening comprehension and analysis of oral texts, in Portuguese.
  2. Production of oral texts.
  3. Analysis of academic written texts.
  4. Reading and interpretation of written texts.
  5. Writing texts related to several academic genres (abstracts, conference presentations, bibliographical essays, journal articles, conference proceedings, etc.)
  6. Vocabulary and grammar.
  7. Preparation for the Portuguese language proficiency exam for foreigners (Celpe-bras).
QUI 633 – Physical Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Elson Santiago de Alvarenga.

Time: Tuesday and Wednesday, from 8 am to 10 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible region (UV-VIS).
  2. Spectroscopy in the infrared (IR) region.
  3. Mass spectroscopy (MS).
  4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).
  5. Elucidation of the structure of organic compounds by analysis of UV-VIS, IR, EM and
SOL 627 – Soil classification systems

Format: In-Person.

Lecturer: José João Lelis Leal de Souza.

Time: Fridays, from 2pm and 6pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 5.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Soil description according to Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for soil resources
  2. World Reference Base for soil resources
  3. Soil Taxonomy
VET 638 – Stem Cells in Tissue Regeneration

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Emily Correna Carlo Reis.

Time: Wednesday, from 10 am to 12 am (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 2.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Stem cell definition and characterization.
  2. Stem cell biology.
  3. Effects of stem cells.
  4. Influence of the microenvironment part 1: source.
  5. Stem cell harvest, culture, and expansion.
  6. Influence of the microenvironment part 2: host.
  7. Matrix and therapeutics.
  8. Specific tissues.
ZOO 729 – Physiology of animal growth and meat quality

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Mario Luiz Chizzotti.

Time: Thursday, from 2 pm to 6 pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Growth and development of muscle, fat, and bone tissue.
  2. Myogenesis, Adipogenesis, Fibrogenesis, and Hypertrophy.
  3. Zootechnical factors affecting animal growth.
  4. Hormonal regulation of animal growth.
  5. Transformation of muscle into meat.
  6. Proteolysis and post-mortem metabolism.
  7. Meat quality: pH, texture, color, lipid profile, and flavor.
VET 750 – Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Luis Augusto Nero.

Time: Not defined yet.

UFV Credits: 4.

ECTS: 7,5.


  1. Epidemiology of foodborne diseases.
  2. Characterization of foodborne pathogens and diseases.
  3. Detection and enumeration of foodborne pathogens.
  4. Impacts of foodborne diseases.
  5. Prevention of foodborne diseases.
  6. Trends in food safety.
ZOO 765 – Molecular Genetics applied to Animal Breeding

Format: In-person.

Lecturer: Simone Elisa Facioni Guimarães.

Time: Monday, from 9 am to 12 pm, and Wednesday, from 2 pm to 4 pm (GMT-3).

UFV Credits: 5.

ECTS: 9.


  1. Introduction to Molecular Biology “OMICS”.
  2. Structure and function of nucleic acids.
  3. DNA replication, transcription and translation.
  4. The “omics” in animal production.
  5. Use of biomarkers in animal production.
  6. Genomic markers in animal production.
  7. Phenotypic analysis of gene expression in animal production.
  8. Non-Mendelian pattern of inheritance in animal production.
  9. Genotype x environment interaction.
  10. Genetically modified animals.